6 online income streams anyone can launch today

Written By: Durgesh Pratap
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Table of Contents

Six online business ideas that don’t require any coding or tech skills.

If you’re looking for a few more income opportunities and you are great at helping people, then here are six online business ideas that don’t require any coding or tech skills.

I have started or am involved with five of these, so I can confirm that they work. You need to know what kind of help your audience needs, and you can get started right away.

This article is divided in 3 parts

1️⃣ Finding your core skill | interest | niche.

2️⃣ Six income streams from your skill.

3️⃣ Marketing and generating income.

👉🏿 Also, don’t forget to download the free worksheet that will help you organize your niche and set-up. Download Here

1- Finding your core skill | interest | niche

To begin with, you need to brainstorm your skills and niche.

You don’t need to be an expert.

When I began my twitter agency in 2012, I was a little worried about whether or not I had relevant experience. If you feel the same way, that’s normal! But if you spend all your time worrying about whether or not you’re an expert, you’ll never get started.

Instead, take a look at what skills you’ve acquired in the last three years and make a list of your accomplishments, big and small, in the previous three years.

✓ What skills did you learn during this period? — Make list

Find your Interests

Go through the list you made, with all the things you loved doing and hated doing? Now is the time to pick something from it as your unique focus.

You have to choose something you built skills in and enjoy talking about or writing about. That’s what will make it a core focus for you.

✓ Pick your unique focus — your core strength.

Go 3 Years back

You’re an early-stage entrepreneur, so you know: your goal is to find people who are just like you, but much earlier in their journey. Think what you were reading three years back on the internet.

Where do they hang out online? Try places like Reddit, Twitter, LinkedIn groups, and Facebook.

✓ Find beginners online on the topic that is your core skill

If you want better clarity about your skills and niche, download my free Income stream worksheet. It has several questions that you will answer, and it will help you discover skills and niche.

2- Six income streams from your skill

Here are 6 online streams that you can launch. Each of them is connected, and I will try to help you understand this concept with an example skill.

Example — Suppose your core interest and knowledge is Instagram, and you love designing Instagram graphics. You can replace this with your skill when you figure it out.

  1. Launch Digital Product

Launch a digital product excel sheet, pdf, info, checklist, or a canva template.

Example — My core skill is Instagram

Digital product Example 1 — Instagram editable canva post template

Digital product Example 2 — Top Instagram post case study — Pdf

Digital product Example 3 — Fill in the blanks Instagram carousel post ideas — Worksheet

2. Service-Based Agency

Launch a service-based agency in your interested area like creating graphics, handling social media, writing, video editing, etc.

Example — My core skill is Instagram

Service-based agency Example 1 — Create 10 Instagram posts for the client.

Service-based agency Example 2 — Hashtag research for the client.

Service-based agency Example 3 — Handle Instagram account and post.

3. Teach your skill

You can teach the skill that you learned and developed in past years. Remember I told you to find people that were you three years back. They are your future students.

Example — My core skill is Instagram

Teaching online Example 1 — Learn how to create irresistible Instagram graphics.

Teaching online example 2 — Learn how to grow Instagram with hashtags and eye-catching graphics.

Teaching online example 3 — Learn how to launch an Instagram agency in 2022

4. Online Consulting

Share your knowledge with others and get paid for doing it. Start consulting online. You can use zoom or skype or video calling for consulting. You can charge hourly and get paid.

Example — My core skill is Instagram

Consulting Example 1 — I will check and let you know what affects your Instagram growth.

Consulting Example 2 — I will discuss your Instagram growth and create a strategy.

5. Start a newsletter

You can start a newsletter in your core skill and then monetize it to get paid. There are several free platforms like medium, substack, revue, ghost, etc. You can also launch your newsletter from WordPress. I have my newsletter on substack and ghost.

Example — My core skill is Instagram

Newsletter Example 1 — Master Instagram with JdGuru. Get my proven Instagram tips and tricks in your inbox.

Newsletter Example 2 — Best of Instagram with JdGuru — I pick the best content from Instagram and deliver it straight to your inbox.

Newsletter Example 3 — How did they find the first 1000 followers? Case studies of Instagram Influencers on how they got their 1000 followers.

6. Affiliate Commissions

Affiliate marketing is not a bad thing. It is beneficial for people looking for genuine products and services. With many options today for a buyer, your helpful advice will help buyers find a suitable outcome. Recommend the products that you use to create and run your online business.

Example — My core skill is Instagram

Affiliate Example 1 — I use canva to create my Instagram graphic; I recommend canva pro.

Affiliate Example 2 — I use learndash to run my courses on WordPress; I recommend learndash.

Affiliate Example 3 — I post my content on medium; I recommend medium.

Note — Make a list of tools you use and tell your readers why you use them. If possible, show them proof by a screenshot and tell them how it saved you a lot of work.

👉🏿 Download my free income stream worksheet to get an idea of the product and services you can create. Download Here

3- Marketing and generating income

Here are a few tips for free marketing your products and services online. If you want to learn more about marketing online business, subscribe to my blog and get my articles in your inbox.

Create online content

You start by creating some content and posting online. You need to prove you understand the problem & have a solution.

  • Short-form posts (Tweets, Instagram posts)
  • Long-form content (in-depth blog posts, guides)

I recommend writing tweets, articles and doing teardowns. (Later, you can build an email list.)

Here are two easy ways:

  • Write Tweet threads
  • And repost those Twitter threads as Instagram carousel post

Show the people 2–3 years behind you that you understand their challenges & have solved them before.

This will gain you a small following.

Engage on Social Media

Just posting threads on Twitter and carousel posts on Instagram will not work. You have to listen and engage with followers. Answer their questions and reply to their comments.

When you write a Twitter thread, share a link at the end. Do the same in your Instagram post. In the last carousel, picture share your link.

Tell them about your products and services.

Build Network in common interest

Before social media, it was known as a social network. Connect with people of common interest, add them to your Twitter list. If your audience is on LinkedIn, then make connections, find groups and communities.

Help people in these communities, reply to comments posted on your Network. This will give you better online authority and presence. The people you help, respond to, and provide solutions will follow you and become your clients.

Build a system

Build a system to market your services and products. Create valuable free social media content, Twitter threads, or Instagram carousel post to drive followers to your page.

When someone buys your digital product, email them and tell them about your coaching program. When someone takes consultation from you, pitch them your agency service.

👉🏿 Final Takeaway

I hope this article provides you with plenty of inspiration and ideas for the online income stream you’re seeking.

If you want to get more out of this article, don’t forget to download my free income stream clarity worksheet. It will help to find your niche, build digital products and services.

About The Author

Durgesh Pratap is a versatile entrepreneur engaged in video production, advertising, writing, and digital marketing. Known for his diverse skill set, he writes about maintaining productivity and focus in both business and life, sharing insights from his multi-faceted career. His work inspires others to balance diverse interests and succeed in the dynamic world of entrepreneurship.